45 Exhibition Drive, Bridgewater, NS B4V 0A6
Tel: 902-543-2464   Fax: 902-543-7478
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Parking Tickets:

Parking Tickets are paid at Bridgewater Town Hall. Located at 60 Pleasant Street Bridgewater Nova Scotia.
If you have questions regarding your parking ticket or require further assistance call (902) 543-2464

Summary Offence Tickets (SOT)

Bridgewater Police Service does not accept payments of Summary Offence Tickets. Summary Offence Tickets are payable at the Bridgewater Justice Centre located at 141 High Street, Bridgewater Nova Scotia.

- Refer to the reverse side of the SOT for more information on payment methods.

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