Seniors' Safety Program
CONTACT US! For Seniors' Safety program information, please contact our coordinator, Lisa Bennett, at (902) 543-3567 or by e-mail at
The Bridgewater Police Service believes that seniors are an integral part of our community, entitled to live in dignity and security, free of exploitation and abuse. While many seniors are active members of society, there are those that are vulnerable to crime and abuse because of poor health, low literacy, lack of independence, or age-related disabilities.
The government of Nova Scotia’s departments of Seniors and Justice have provided funding to numerous communities, including Lunenburg County, for Seniors Safety programs.
The goals of the Lunenburg County Seniors Safety program are:
- To reduce the fear of crime so seniors feel safe in their own homes and communities
- To educate seniors about personal safety including elder abuse, falls prevention, safe banking, fraud, internet safety, and home security
- To promote independence by giving seniors the information and resources they need to remain in their own homes
- To provide opportunities for seniors to discuss issues important to them
- To advocate for seniors’ needs in the larger community, particularly amongst businesses and service agencies
- To improve the quality of life for seniors
We will achieve these goals by talking with seniors in their homes, through the churches and social clubs, community organizations, and senior residences. We will also learn more about safety issues of concern to seniors by conducting a survey, which will provide us baseline information about seniors’ fear of crime, the safety issues that concern them the most, and the way they would like the police service to communicate with them.
Home Visits
An integral part of the Seniors Safety program is visiting with seniors in their residences to talk to them about their personal safety concerns. If issues arise that can’t be addressed by the coordinator, we will make referrals to the appropriate service. Following up on referrals from police, allied professionals, community members and seniors themselves, the coordinator visits seniors in their homes to address their concerns and safety issues. Through home visits we offer support and advocacy for vulnerable seniors, information and referrals to address a variety of concerns, and support to resolve difficult personal issues. Home visits are a key service for vulnerable and isolated seniors, and particularly important for those seniors struggling with mental health issues. We hope seniors feel safer in their own homes, feel respected and valued, receive valuable information and/or services to address specific problems, and learn how to keep themselves and their homes safe. For many seniors, the home visit is the first step towards addressing a serious health issue, a difficult family situation, or stressful financial problem.
Vial of LIFE
The Vial of Life program helps emergency personnel quickly learn important medical facts in times of crisis. A participant’s name, address, family doctor and health card number, along with emergency contacts, and list of medications are stored in a large plastic vial in the refrigerator door. Ambulance, Police and Fire departments are trained to look for the Vial of Life Sticker on refrigerator door. This symbol indicates that vital information is available to assist them to immediately begin treatment. Knowing what medications or chronic medical conditions may be present is important to paramedics. This information eliminates a number of possible treatments and may result in valuable life saving time.
Crime Prevention Presentations
The Seniors Safety Coordinator offers free presentations to seniors groups on various topics including personal safety, fraud and scam awareness, internet safety, elder abuse, and home safety.
Senior Friendly™ Program
What is the Senior Friendly™ program?
Senior Friendly™ is a business recognition program that helps businesses and organizations become more age-friendly. The program addresses myths about seniors, explains the effects of aging, and shows organizations how to provide services in a way that addresses the special needs of the aging population – an increasingly important and growing segment of our society.
Hoarding: Building Awareness and Fostering Action
In October of 2015, the MOSAIC network hosted a workshop on hoarding entitled “Hoarding: Building Awareness and Fostering Action”. The MOSIAC network is a community health network designed to improve partnerships among those who provide care for seniors and older adults with complicated behaviour issues in our communities. Hoarding has been identified as a complex issue that impacts the lives of older adults and is a growing concern in our communities. This forum was held for service providers who encounter hoarding behaviors in their work with older adults. The goals of the forum were to increase awareness of the issues related to hoarding, increase our knowledge of regulatory responses to hoarding, increase awareness of best practices in responding to and supporting people who hoard, and to identify and share resources available in our communities for those working with people who exhibit hoarding behavior. The workshop was a great success with regional representation spanning from Yarmouth through to Halifax. The information posted is a synopsis of presentations made by several individuals who participated in the forum.